Thursday, August 12, 2010


I've been meaning to post some pics from when we went to Six Flags and just some other random pictures!  I finally got through them and here they are!
turtle at the Dallas Aquarium

Jaguar - I wish that rock hadn't been in front of his face because he was eating a meal...some other type of animal!

Not sure what they are looking at here, but Sydni, Dylan and mom


Turtles on a log

This is what my diet coke looked like, how cool?!?!

Okay, Dylan was obviously fascinated with this bird and it was *right* there beside even tried to bite his finger, he loved it :)

Next up was the Rangers Game!

At Joe's Crab shack, taken by Dylan

Dylan & my nephew Tate

My little man :)

Tater Bug

Cutie Pie

Mom, really??  It's 100 degrees out here and I'm TRYING to watch the game, could you please put the camera DOWN!  Thx

Mom, Richard and the grandkids ready to take on Six Flags!!

And just a few of my baby girl, because I can ; )

Sporting her new haircut for school!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just call me a slacker

That's right, it's now been 11 days since my last post I think??  Anyway, we had SUCH a busy week last week!  We put our house on the market the first part of March and listed it with a Realtor.  After MUCH frustration and NO interest, we decided to "fire" our realtor and list FSBO!!  We started that August 1st and have had more activity in the past 9-10 days than the 5 months it was on MLS! 

If you've ever sold a house, you know all about having it "show" ready and having 2 energetic kids is not conducive to that being an easy task!  We had one serious couple, but we weren't able to come to an agreement price-wise.  I mean, why would you even look at a house if what they were asking wasn't anywhere near in your price range??  I just don't understand that!  And our house is priced to sell, let me tell ya!

We've spent the past 2 weekends getting ready for back to school...I can't believe it's already that time again!!  We have gotten most of the school clothes and all the school supplies, now we are just ready to know about teachers, etc.  The kids are NOT ready to go back and I'm not ready to start getting up earlier either :(

I have been in a funk sort of and it's really ticking me off!  I think it's the house situation and all the "unknowns" that go along with it.  Like, where will we live when we sell our house?  We have NO clue, why even bother looking when our house could sit on the market another 5 months!  But, because I'm a planner and am anal about things like that, it's bothering me.

I think if we could just get our house sold, we could move on with making some decisions that we've been thinking about for our family.  So pray for us, that the house will sell!!

On a side note, when I dropped the kids off this morning, the director told me she was so excited that my kids were going to be with them for after-school care this year.  She said, "you have 2 of the best kids, they are so polite and so much fun!"  What a great compliment for a mom to hear :)

Happy Tuesday!