Saturday, we hung out at my mom's house at the pool...thank God that she has one, because it is WAY too hot here to be anywhere but near some water or inside in the A/C. My kids don't think being inside is too much fun, so water it is!
Jeremy & Dylan
I need to explain these things that Sydni is playing with. You see, no amount of specialized water toys beat these that my mom saves and they use in the pool. The white trays are from ground meat and the blue cups are laundry detergent scoops...funny how it's those type things that kids play with most. She is usually playing restaurant or something and fixing food & drinks for everyone. It's so cute :)
My little man :)
My brother
Enjoying some sherbert :)
My mom bought Sydni this fiesta-ware tea set...I thought it was SO cute that Dylan indulged her in a little tea part with their Sunkist :)
Saturday night we went to Carreta's (local restaurant/karaoke place) for a friend's b-day. It was LOTS of fun!
Me & Jeremy
Me & Candy
Sunday we worked in the yard and it was HOT! I got my flower beds all cleaned up...I have such good intentions starting out and then it just all goes to crap for some reason (probably because I forget to water??)! Sunday night we celebrated my "baby" brother's b-day! He turned 22 on Monday. We are almost 9 years apart and it's like he has 2 mom's....poor thing :)
Corey and his empty shot glass
My mom, Corey and me...LOVE this :)
Corey and his awesome girlfriend
Some other random pictures taken throughout the weekend....
Dylan practicing his Tony Hawk moves
throwing the football
Sydni and her BFF Kaleigh, so cute :)
Maybe next week I'll do the weekend recap on Sunday evening so I can actually remember everything we did. It's amazing how quickly you forget when you are busy! If I hadn't had pictures to look back at I can guarantee I wouldn't have remembered...heck the reason there's no Friday night agenda on this post is because I can't remember what we did ;)
Til next time....
ya know, i'm pretty sad that I didn't know about this blog sooner since I still have the poor neglected "can I put a couch in my office" blog on my sidebar always waiting for an update! Happy to see ya!
LOL!! I *just* started it, I swear! Now you can replace my old blog with this one because I PROMISE to update it regularly! I'm off to a good start :)
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