Friday, July 23, 2010

Fashion Friday

So I'm starting something new...from here on out, every Friday I will feature "Fashion Friday".  Since I LOVE fashion, I'll post about what I like or don't like regarding fashion..should be fun :)

Let's talk tops...I'm a short girl, so things bunched up around my waist really don't do much for me.  This summer I've found the most flattering things are actually dresses worn as a long tunic over capris.  Since most dresses are WAY too short for me to actually wear them as a dress, this works out great for me.  Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

I have pretty much lived in my Yellowbox flip-flops this summer, but I am on the hunt for some new boots for fall/winter.  I'm thinking about some wedge boots?  We'll see if I can find any in my budget first,  ha!

Next week I'll talk about Jewelry :)


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