Friday, July 16, 2010

Things I love...

I thought I'd make my first "real" be about things I love.  Some things just require a picture to go with, in order to truly understand why I love it :)

- Jesus
- my family

Diet Coke (although I've had to cut back a LOT!)

French Fries..preferrably from Dairy Queen, Whataburger or McDonald's

Shoes...any kind, tennis, flip-flop, peep-toe, sling-back, knee boot..LOVE shoes!

Bling-filled Jewelry - which is why I work at a place called "Dressin Gaudy"!  Very fitting for me :)

My nook

Singing with the radio or to my mp3 pic, but maybe I can get Sydni to take one while I'm driving, hmmmm.

All that being said, some of the most important things I love aren't tangible...I couldn't take a picture if I tried.  I love how Dylan tells me all.the.time that "I love you momma".  I hope he never goes through that phase where he doesn't even acknowledge me!!  I'm sure he probably will, but a girl can hope, right??

I love how Sydni acts *just* like me...when she gets her feelings hurt, it feels like someone hurt MY feelings too.  She is so much like me and has such a big heart.  She has such a funny sense of humor and between the two of them, they are a constant source of entertainment in our household.

I love that I love my husband more today than I did the day I married him.  I love how he loves me back.

I love my mom and the relationship that we have.  I don't have a sister, but she's as close to one as I'll ever get!

And now that I've gone all sappy, I'll end with something funny that I love...

I love that we just finished watching Shrek the Third and that my kids are dancing around the living room.  I big puffy heart them :)



Welcome to the blogging world! Great first post my friend. Miss you tons!


Thanks chick!! I'm excited about blogging...I have LOTS to say as you well know ;) Miss YOU lots too!

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